एनईपी: यूजीसीएफ 2022 यूजीसीएफ 2022 के पाठ्यक्रमों का पाठ्यक्रम और संबंधित अधिसूचनाएं
NEP: UGCF 2022 Syllabi
Regarding revised syllabus of one of DSC paper titled "Industrial Relations" of BA (VS) HRM
Syllabi of Courses of Semester - IV / V / VI of UGCF 2022 & related Notifications
- Notification regarding minor modifications in the papers of BA English and BA Journalism
- Notification regarding modifications in the papers of BA Hons Percussion and BA Hons Karnataka Music
- Notification regarding BA (Prog) Buddhist Studies for Sem-V & VI
- Notification_307 regarding syllabus of BSc. PhysicalSc.with Electronics as a core paper in Sem-V & VI
- Notification 306 regarding Modifications in syllabi of GE offered by Deptt of Hindi in Sem-V and Sem-VI.
- Notification for amendments to syllabi of Department of Urdu in Semester-V/VI
- Notification regarding B.Voc for V & VI Semester
- Notification regarding BA (VS) for Semester-V & Semester-VI under College of Vocational Studies
- Notification regarding the amendments to syllabi of Department of Urdu in Semester-V/VI
- Regarding syllabi of BA (Hons) Humanities & Social Sciences offered by Cluster Innovation Centre for Semester-V and Semester-VI
- Regarding syllabus of BA Prog Education for Sem-V & VI under Faculty of Education
- Reg BSc. Analytical Chemistry (Kirori Mal College) for Semester- V& VI under Faculty of Science
- Notification regarding revision of paper titled "Business Economics" in Department of Commerce
- Notification regarding Value Addition Courses (VAC) passed in the Executive Council meeting dated 27.07.2024
- Notifications regarding amendment to ordinances passed in the EC meeting held on 27.07.2024
- Notification regarding syllabus of BSc. (Hons.) Physical Education, Health Education & Sports Science , BA Prog Physical Education for Semester-V & VI, passed vide ECR 5-17 dated 27.07.2024
- Notification regarding ITEP, BeD, MeD etc
- Notification regarding syllabus passed under Faculty of Law in the 1270th EC minutes dated 27.07.2024
- Notification regarding syllabus of Faculty of Technology-Second Year alongwith AEC papers to be offered to B.Tech students
- Notification regarding the amendments in the syllabi of Department of Statistics based on UGCF
- Notification regarding UGCF, MSc and MCA curriculum as approved in the EC meeting dated 27.07.2024
- Notification regarding the amendments in the following syllabi:
(i) Department of Home Science
(ii) Faculty of Applied Social Science & Humanities based on UGCF - Notification regarding the amendments in the syllabi of the Department of Geography (ECR-5-22) based on UGCF
- Notification regarding Bachelor of fine Arts for Semester-I to VI
- Semester-IV,V & VI - B.Tech (Information Technology and Mathematics Innovations)
- Semester-IV - BA (Hons) Humanities & Social Sciences
- Notification regarding DSE "Introduction to Vital Statistics and Demography" -Semester-IV, Deptt of Statistics
- Notification regarding DSE Sitar (2) for Semester-IV in BA (Hons) Humanities Music
- Notification regarding change in the credit distribution of the syllabi of Semester-IV of DSC12 paper of Geography Department
- Notification regarding syllabi of BSc. Analytical Chemistry - Semester-IV
- Syllabi of Sem-IV, V & VI of Delhi School of Journalism
- ITEP middle Curriculam Structure and Course Syllabi
- Physics - (Sem - IV/V) - analytical_industrial Chemistry
- Buddhist Studies (Sem-IV) as Major/ Non-Major
- (i) BA (Prog.) with Education (Major/ Non-Major) (Sem-IV) and (ii) BA (Prog.) Economics as Major/Non-Major (Sem-VI)
- Bachelor of Vocation - Web Designing (Sem-IV)
- Syllabi of Semester-4,5,6 of BA (Prog.) Tamil/Telugu
- Syllabi of Semester-4,5&6 Semester of Department of MIL&LS (Bengali)
- Syllabi of Semester-4,5&6 Semester of Department of GRS
- Syllabi of 4,5,&6 Semester of BA (Programme ) Geography
- Notification regarding BA (Vocational Studies) under college of Vocational Studies dated 22.01.2024
- Syllabus of NCC-IV to be added in the Pool of Value Addition Course
- Notification regarding Department of Music
- Notification regarding Department of Physical Education & Sports Science
- Notification regarding Faculty of Arts - Department of Punjabi , Hindi & Hindi Journalism
- Notification regarding Faculty of Applied Social Sciences & Humanities
- Notification regarding Faculty of Commerce - B.Com (Hons.)/ B.Com/ BA commerce based papers
- Notification regarding Faculty of Science
- Physics & Astrophysics (Notification dated 15.05.2024)
- Physics & Astrophysics (Notification dated 18.01.2024)
- Physics & Astrophysics
- Chemistry and Pest Management
- Botany/Geology/Zoology/Life Science (Zoology)
- Home Science
- Anthropology
- Biological Science (Sri Venkateswara College)
- Environmental Std
- Polymer Science
- Notification regarding Faculty of Social Sciences - D/o Economics, Geography, History and Sociology
- Pool of Generic Electives for Entrepreneurship and Data Analytics
- Addition in Pool of SECs
- Faculty of Mathematical Sciences - D/o Mathematics, Statistics, Operational Research and Computer Science
- Faculty of Social Sciences - D/o Political Science and Social Work
- Notification regarding addition of VAC courses
- Notification regarding syllabi of 4,5,6 Semester in r/o Faculty of Interdisciplinary and Applied Sciences
- Syllabi of Semester III, IV, V and VI in respect of B.Voc Programme
- Syllabi of Ability Enhancement Course - III & IV Semester
- Guidelines for Internship Apprenticeship and Community Outreach under UGCF
- Notification regarding the following Departments of Faculty of Arts
Syllabi of Courses of Semester - III of UGCF 2022 & related Notifications
- Notification regarding syllabi of Compulsory Language pool of Generic Electives in Sem-I, II, III and IV offered by Department of MIL&LS.
- Notification regarding Discipline Specific Elective in syllabi of 3rd Semester of Department of Physics & Astrophysics for BSc Physical Science with Electronics as one of the Core Discipline
- Syllabi of Semester III, IV, V and VI in respect of B.Voc Programme
- Syllabi of Ability Enhancement Course - III & IV Semester
- Guidelines for Internship Apprenticeship and Community Outreach under UGCF
- Notification regarding 3rd Semester of Faculty of Arts
- Notifications of syllabi of 3rd Semester in r/o Department of Music
- Notifications of syllabi of 3rd Semester in r/o Department of Persian
- Notifications of syllabi of 3rd Semester in r/o Department of Hindi
- Notification regarding College of Vocational Studies (BA (VS) in r/o 3rd Sem
- Notification regarding School of Journalism in r/o 3rd Sem
- Notification regarding Science Faculty in r/o 3rd Sem
- Notifications regarding Department of Home (Faculty of Science) in r/o 3rd Semester
- Notifications regarding Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies & Applied Sciences in r/o 3rd Semester
- Notification regarding Faculty of Social Sciences for 3rd Semester
- Notification in r/o Department of Commerce - 3rd Semester
- Notification in r/o Faculty of Applied Social Sciences & Humanities - 3rd Semester
- Notification in r/o Faculty of Mathematical Sciences - 3rd Semester
- Notification in r/o Faculty of Education - 3rd Semester
- Notification in r/o Cluster Innovation Centre-3rd Semester
Syllabi of Courses of Semester - I/II/V of UGCF 2022 & related Notifications
- Notification regarding ITEP, BeD, MeD etc
- Notification regarding syllabus passed under Faculty of Law in the 1270th EC minutes dated 27.07.2024
- Notification regarding syllabus of Faculty of Technology-Second Year alongwith AEC papers to be offered to B.Tech students
- Notification regarding GE paper titled-"Information and Communication Technologies for Development" in Department of Home Science
- Notification regarding amendment in credit distribution of GE courses in Department of Commerce
- Notification regarding syllabi of 2nd Semester of departments under Faculty of Science
- Notification regarding Faculty of Technology-1st and 2nd Semester
- Notification regarding syllabi of Deptt of Physical Education and Sports Science for 2nd Semester
- Notification regarding syllabi of department of Psychology for 2nd Semester
- Notification regarding Skill Enhancement Courses - 109 Courses
- Notification regarding Faculty of Interdisciplinary & Applied Science-2nd Semester
- Notification regarding Change in the credit distribution in the VAC Course titled - Digital Empowerment
- Notification regarding Addition of two courses under the pool of VAC
- Notification regarding BSc Hons. in applied life Sc with Agrochemicals and Pest Mgt- 2nd Sem
- Notification regarding syllabi of 2nd Sem of B.Voc.
- Notification regarding syllabi of 2nd Sem of CIC
- Notification regarding Faculty of Faculty of Education-2nd Semester
- Notification regarding Faculty of Music - 2nd Semester
- Notification regarding BA (Vocational Studies) - 2nd Semester
- Notification regarding syllabi of 2nd Semester of departments under Faculty of Arts
- Notification regarding department of commerce under faculty of Commerce & Business Studies for Semester-2
- Notification regarding syllabi of 2nd Semester of Deptt of Finance & Business Economics under FASSH
- Notification regarding Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (2nd Semester)
- Notification - Skill Enhancement Course
- Notification with regard to syllabi of 2nd Semester of Faculty of Social Science
- Notification regarding syllabi of 1st Semester of B.Voc. Web Designing of Kalindi College
- Notification regarding syllabi of 1st & 2nd Semester of Delhi School of Journalism
- Notification regarding revision of range of GEs to certain category of students of BA/B.Com under UGCF-2022
- Ability Enhancement Course offered by Hindi Department for Foreign Students
- Notification regarding minor amendments in the syllabi of 1st Semester of various departments
- Notification of B.Sc. Applied Life Science Agrochemicals & Pest Management
- Ability Enhancement Courses (AECs)
- Faculty of Interdisciplinary & Applied Sciences
- Updated Notification regarding Value Addition Courses (VAC)
- Faculty of Applied Social Science and Humanities
- Revised College of Vocational Studies
- Vocational courses
- Faculty of Arts (revised)
- Faculty of Music & Fine Arts
- Revised Faculty of Commerce and Business Studies
- Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
- Faculty of Education and CIC
- Updated syllabi of Faculty of Science
- Notification of amendment to Ordinance V regarding syllabi of Semester-I of the departments under Faculty of Social Sciences based on UGCF-2022
- Notifications regarding the list of Skill Enhancement Courses
UGCF Flowcharts
UGCF 2022 (NEP 2020)
Last Updated: Dec 6, 2024